Palos Verdes Home Prices Since 1993 to 2013

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What’s been going on with Palos Verdes Home Prices since 1993?

This won’t be a long blog post, but I wante to share some information quickly in response to a question I received from a client the other day asking if Palos Verdes home prices were going up again or just staying flat.

As is often the case, the Palos Verdes Home prices question can best be answered by a picture.

palos verdes home prices

Palos Verdes Home Prices

Since the peak of the market in about the 4th quarter of 2006, we see that Palos Verdes home prices dropped about 25% or so. Compared to some other areas of the country and California (think Riverside, San Bernardino, even other parts of Los Angeles) Palos Verdes homes did VERY, VERY well during this down turn.

Fueled by rising demand and dwindling supply of Palos Verdes homes, Palos Verdes home prices in the last year have gone up nearly 8%.

You can visit other sections of my website to get more information on Palos Verdes homes for sale and seek tools to help you find out what your home is worth. It’s pretty easy on my site. For example to get other trend data, you can go to either of these two sites:


One of the favorite sections of my site that clients are using now, is the map based real time search tool that shows the last 6 months of Palos Verdes home sales. In other words, whenever you visit this particular site, it will always show you the closed sales in the last 6 months.

Meanwhile, if you know of anyone thinking of selling; do me a favor, introduce them to me. The market is GROSSLY undersupplied and their home may be worth a lot more than they thought!

+George Fotion

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